Checklist » Poaceae » Spartina pectinata
Last updated 1/6/2024 by David Giblin.
Spartina pectinata Link[FNA25, HC, HC2]
freshwater cordgrass, prairie cordgrass

Publication: Jahrb. Gewächsk. 1(3): 92-93.

Origin: Native

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA25: "Spartina pectinata is native to Canada and the United States, but it has been introduced at scattered locations on other continents. On the Atlantic coast, it grows in marshes, sloughs, and flood plains, being a common constituent of ice-scoured zones of the northeast and growing equally well in salt and fresh water habitats. In western North America, it grows in both wet and dry soils, including dry prairie habitats and along roads and railroads.

Spartina pectinata is thought to be one of the parents of S. ×caespitosa, the other parent being S. patens."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Spartina michauxiana Hitchc.
Spartina pectinata Link var. suttiei (Farw.) Fernald